Generational Copy, LLC
Generational Copy
Should Beta Readers Get Paid?

Should Beta Readers Get Paid?

From a ghostwriter and entrepreneur

First, let me start by saying that I pay the beta readers that work with me at Generational Copy, LLC.

Their compensation ranges depending on the length of the project, the budget of the client, and also the services that they themselves provide. Some beta readers, for example, specialize in fantasy or romance novels and, because of their market knowledge and insight, their feedback is invaluable.

But should ALL beta readers get paid?

In recent months, this debate has sparked contentious arguments on both sides with some vehemently opposed to paying beta readers and many in full support of it.

Here’s my take.

I operate my full-service ghostwriting agency with the philosophy that I do not ever ask someone to work for free while I profit off of their efforts.

If I ask someone to provide me with a service that helps my business, I always compensate the individual with $$$. Not gift cards, not Buymeacoffee, not anything other than legal tender.

But what happens if I can’t pay a person for their services?

For me, it’s simple. As a small business owner, if I can’t afford to pay them, I don’t ask them to do any work for me.

Now, it’s important to clarify that some beta readers just genuinely love supporting indie authors by reading their books and providing feedback at no charge. These beta readers are fully within their right to do this, and it’s commendable because not everything is or should be about money.

Also, sometimes authors exchange services with one another. Beta read for beta read.

But in business, it’s completely different. There is no “volunteer” in business. Not in my book anyway.

Some beta readers that I work with provide extensive feedback, marking up the client’s book with questions and inconsistencies that they’ve identified.

Many even provide support with characterization, theme, pacing, and dialogue.

And, the highly experienced beta readers sometimes provide several pages of written feedback and analysis for the author to consider before launching their books.

So, for me, it’s not a question as to whether beta readers should get paid. It’s a question of why they aren’t.

— Knikki Hernandez

Let me know your thoughts below!

Generational Copy, LLC
Generational Copy
Full-time high school teacher and ghostwriter sharing insights on writing, education, and entrepreneurship.